You are currently viewing Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

Scientific name: Fringilla coelebs

Family: Finches (Fringillidae)

Wingspan: 24.5 - 28.5cm (10 - 11 1/2")

Diet: Mainly insects and seeds

Feed with: Sunflower hearts & seeds

Habitat: Chaffinches enjoy woodlands, hedgerows, parks and gardens. They are abundant through the UK.

Lifespan: 3 Years

Chaffinch Characteristics

The Chaffinch is the most abundant finch in the UK. With its striking pinkish-red breast and cheeks, grey-blue crown and nape and characteristic white wing bars, the chaffinch is arguably our most 'underrated' bird. Watch carefully and you'll notice that throughout summer the plumage is brighter than in winter.

Altogether, there are around 6,200,000 breeding pairs.

Chaffinch Breeding & Nesting

Chaffinch nests are cup shaped, built primarily from moss, grass and feathers, and lined with feathers and wool. These nests can often be spotted in forks of branches or buried within shrubs.

During the breeding season, chaffinches produce eggs that are very smooth, round and light blue with small brown speckles. Breeding typically begins in April, the incubation period lasts around 15 days and there are roughly 11 - 18 fledge days.

Chaffinch Feeding

Insects, caterpillars, seeds and nuts are common foods of the beautiful chaffinch. In the garden, you'll find the chaffinch enjoys rummaging around for sunflower hearts and seeds. They are a little shy and don't take too well to feeding openly on hanging feeders. Therefore, chaffinches can often be found feeding under hedges and bird tables.

Chaffinch Audio

The chaffinch is noted for its characteristic 'rain' call, with a memorable "chip, chip, chip. Chooee, chooee, cheeoo". Listen below.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mel Gosney

    We have had a Chaffinch chick hopping around our garden, in Dorset, for the last few days. Is this usual for mid March?

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