As Britain’s national bird, the Robin is a much-loved part of our garden wildlife here in the UK. That’s why when you spot a Robin in your garden, it can leave you wondering if it’s a male or female.
If you do spot two Robins together in your garden, it’s likely to be a male and female. This is because Robins are known for being fiercely territorial so are unlikely to be seen with other, same gendered Robins.
Whilst statistically you’re more likely to see male Robins than females, this is not definitive. Both are present all year round here in the UK, however males have a slightly larger population. Read on for more information on their similarities and differences.
Robins: So who’s who?
The answer is it’s not that simple. Male and female Robins are actually incredibly similar, sharing the same colours and size. Male Robins are on average bigger than females, however when the female is carrying eggs she will appear larger too. Some believe that males have slightly brighter orange breasts, however this isn’t true.
There’s a myth that female Robins have white breasts not red, however this is false. It’s the juveniles who don’t have a red breast. Similarly the white wing bars are present on both genders too.
They do have a very subtle difference in the shape of their heads. When looking from above females have a V shaped peak of their head, whereas males peaks’ are squarer, more U-shaped. This however is hard to notice unless directly comparing two Robins.
The best way to distinguish gender is to watch their behaviour during breeding season. If you spot Robins in a courtship feeding, it’ll be the male who’s feeding the female. If you see a Robin building a nest or sitting on eggs, this’ll be the female. Both parents feed the chicks, but the male takes on the caring role after the chicks have fledged, as the female prepares for her second brood.
To learn more about the Robin: The Robin
How To Attract Robins
Robins are popular in the UK and are regular visitors in many of our gardens. If you’d like to attract Robins, or more Robins to your garden try having their favourite foods. Robins love Mealworms, Berries and Sunflower Hearts. They also enjoy ground feeding so try using a Ground Feeding Tray to feed them. Let us know about the Robins in your garden down below in the comments.
For more information on where to feed which species: Where’s the Best Place to Position Your Bird Feeders
Gemma Sharp is the resident writer for Garden Wildlife Direct, a supplier of premium bird food and accessories. She has had a genuine love for our feathered friends from a young age, and has dedicated a lot of her time to learning all there is to know about them. If you're struggling to pick the right bird feed for your garden, need help identifying a type of wild bird, or can't decide where to put a nesting box, Gemma is the person to go to! She is passionate about sharing her years of learnt knowledge with the public. In her free time, she can be found feeding birds at home with her three young boys.
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Would it be possible to show pictures of the top of their heads for me to see what you mean by v shape and u shape please? Thank you
Three young fledglings currently living in a rhododendron in our garden – one of the adult birds (male?) appears once or twice a day, as if it is just keeping an eye on them. All three seem very happy and are feeding well. Also seem at ease with us being in the garden relatively close to them.
I have 2 robins which I did not know until I saw for myself, I adour any birds, so now I have put meal worms peanuts crushed and sun flower hearts on the floor in my greenhouse, I leave my door open just enough to let my robins go in and feed, and I must say I can’t count how many times they go in and out but I am so happy to see them live my birds
We have two Robins in our garden, see them each day
My 2 buddies
I have 2 I feed everyday must be male and female. One comes on to my hand and actually follows me around the other comes close but wont land on my hand and they won’t eat anything else other than crunched up digestive biscuit cumbs they actually stand and wait even if I have seed out till I go and get them digestive biscuits. Brings me joy and happiness everyday watching and feeding them.
I have 2 Robbins i feed 1 is braver than the other it will fly to my head but runs off if anyone else tries to get near it will come up really close and comes if I call.the 2nd one will come close but not as close as the other one.i look forward to seeing them.the brave one even flew to my head when I was pumping up my car let me know he was them.
We just moved from Sacramento, California to Vallejo, California, to be closer to friends and family and the robins seem to love our new garden. We spotted an entire flock, with at least 40 birds, yesterday morning. They were bathing in our pond and scratching in our substrate, and roosting in our winter-bare trees! I have never seen so many robins together, in one place! It was amazing. My wife took photos and video.
I’ve been putting out left over wet Catfood on my garden wall for a stray cat but upto 6 Magpies have taken over this habit – fattest Magpies in town !!! My friendly Robin has also started taking advantage of this bonus feed usually before I put birdfood out !!!
I had a robin eat mealworms from my hand. He/ she only did it on two occasions. Refuses to take food from my hand now, but is quite happy to land close and wait until I move away before eating. Not sure why the refusal to take food from my hand now, but it was great while it lasted.
My robin visitor who is around me most days and tells me when he wants food. i have managed to keep his dish hidden from most other birds just now and he also chases off dunnocks when he catches them heading to his dish,
Actually had my robin feed from my hand. Such a wonderful feeling. Now his / her baby has started coming closer, but the adult robin chases it away.
I have 2 Tobins appear and started feeding them mealworms, now they won’t leave me alone – lol – love it though, not sure which one is the name/female though? Thoughts?
I have two robins and the one hovers a lot while the other looks like it it protecting beautiful birds
I cut up sultanas and leave on a stool on our patio. Love sitting watching the robins.
The Wren is our National bird