You are currently viewing Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)

Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)

Scientific name: Turdus philomelos

Family: Chats and Thrushes (Turdidae)

Wingspan: 33 - 36cm (13 - 14")

Diet: Mainly worms, snails and fruit

Feed with: Suet pellets, sunflower seeds, suet coconut shells and bird fat balls

Habitat: Song Thrushes are commonly found in woods, parks, gardens and hedgerows all across the UK.

Lifespan: 3 Years

Song Thrush Characteristics

The song thrush is a very familiar small bird in British gardens, especially with its repetitive birdsong phrases. It is mainly a brown buff colour with dark speckles all over the plumage. As with other ground feeding birds, such as the robin, the eyes are relatively large. The bill is slightly elongated, lengthy and brown.

Common in the garden, the song thrush also likes to reside in woodland and parks, almost anywhere were leafy bushes and trees are found.

Song Thrush Breeding & Nesting

Song Thrush nests are built by the female and can often be located among dense, leafy bushes and hedgerows. The next is cup-shaped and built of materials such as earth, soil, grass and twigs. Inside the nest, mud (mixed with saliva) and dung comprises the main lining.

Song Thrush breeding begins between March and June; the eggs are a stunning shiny blue with tiny black speckles all over. The incubation period normally lasts between 11 - 15 days with 12 - 16 fledge days altogether.

Song Thrush Feeding

Worms, insects, snails and berries form the main diet of the song thrush. If you ever find cracked snail shells on the floor in your garden, there's a strong chance you had a song thrush at some point. They have a habit of holding the snail with the bill and smashing it against a rock, quite an ingenious way of getting at the food.

In the garden, the song thrush will feed on suet foods such as pellets and fat balls as well as live mealworms.


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