Scientific name: Troglodytes troglodytes
Family: Wrens (Troglodytidae)
Wingspan: 13 - 17cm (5 - 7")
Diet: Mainly insects and spiders
Feed with: Dried Mealworms, fat balls and suet pellets
Habitat: Wrens are extremely fond of woodland areas, but can also be found moorland, heathland and farmland.
Lifespan: 2 Years
Wren Characteristics
The wren is round, stocky and noted for its characteristic brown colour and short stubby tail. The wren has long legs and toes, and their bill is fine and cream-coloured.
As the most common breeding birds in the UK, wrens can be found frequenting many British gardens throughout the year. Their very loud song is in stark contrast to their relatively small physical demeanor. During the winter months, especially long, drawn out winters, wrens can suffer quite serious declines in numbers.
Wren Breeding & Nesting
Wren breeding begins in late April with incubation period lasting between 13 - 18 days. The eggs are white, smooth and shiny and covered in pinkish speckles. One the young have hatched, both parents contribute towards the feeding of the bird.
Wrens will readily use open nest boxess, in particular for winter roosting, but it's common to find wrens using holes in walls and trees for their main nests.
Wren Feeding
Insects and spiders are commonly eaten by wrens; their long slender bills put to use for probing cracks and crevices. The name "cave dweller", which is derived from the scientific name Troglodyte, is used in reference to this behaviour.
In the garden, wrens will dart about quickly on the ground and will feed from ground feeders. Ideal wild bird food would be seed mixes, peanut granules and, in particular, live foods such as mealworm.